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Skulls Full of Mush: GWU Students Worry More About Armed Police Than Violent Criminals

Skulls Full of Mush: GWU Students Worry More About Armed Police Than Violent Criminals

Students at the Washington DC-based George Washington University are vehemently opposed to arming the school’s police officers. They protested it earlier this spring and now that the change has been implemented without the sky actually falling, the school’s delicate souls still aren’t happy about it. Why? Because these snowflakes believe that they face greater risk from armed police officers than they do from violent criminals. In the heart of D.C.

It isn’t clear if ‘higher education’ in this case refers to the level of matriculation or the average consumption of marijuana by the school’s students.

Continue reading Skulls Full of Mush: GWU Students Worry More About Armed Police Than Violent Criminals at The Truth About Guns.