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Pennsylvania Sheriff Backs Down, Agrees to Halt Warrantless Searches of Gun Dealers

Pennsylvania Sheriff Backs Down, Agrees to Halt Warrantless Searches of Gun Dealers

It seems that a lawsuit and some publicity still has the power to concentrate the bureaucratic mind. At least they do in the case of Montgomery County Sheriff Sean Kilkenny who recently adopted an unconstitutionally wide interpretation of Pennsylvania’s gun control laws to ensure that firearms dealers are in compliance with all state and federal laws.

Sheriff Kilkenny, who doesn’t seem to have a good working knowledge of the Fourth Amendment, decided that a new reading of state statues gives him the right to search all 92 federally licensed gun dealers in his county to ensure they’re following the applicable laws.

Continue reading Pennsylvania Sheriff Backs Down, Agrees to Halt Warrantless Searches of Gun Dealers at The Truth About Guns.