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NAGR Crowns the Winner of Their First Second Amendment Traitor of the Year Award

NAGR Crowns the Winner of Their First Second Amendment Traitor of the Year Award

Back in March, the National Association of gun rights announced the nominees for their first Second Amendment Traitor of the Year award. As NAGR’s President Dudley Brown noted at the time, “Every year, self-proclaimed pro-gun Republicans throw their gun owning constituents under the bus by voting for gun control and gutting pro-gun legislation.”

Those are the kinds of politicians who deserve special recognition for their achievements and NAGR’s nominees were truly an illustrious group who had thrown their support behind a range of gun control industry proposals such as mandatory “safe storage” laws, aftermarket trigger bans, universal registration background checks, and due-process-free “red flag” gun confiscation laws.

Continue reading NAGR Crowns the Winner of Their First Second Amendment Traitor of the Year Award at The Truth About Guns.