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Michigan Cops Not So Sure About Red Flag Confiscations Now That They May Have to Enforce Them

Michigan Cops Not So Sure About Red Flag Confiscations Now That They May Have to Enforce Them

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a red flag confiscation bill into law back in May. As a Whitmer press release issued at the time proclaimed, “At the bill signing, Governor Whitmer was joined by bill sponsors, legislators, public safety advocates, and law enforcement officials.”

The bill went into effect last week and now that court-ordered gun gun-grabs have become a reality, it seems some of those law enforcement officials are having second thoughts about this whole confiscation thing now that Michigan is the 20th state to have some form of a due process-free gun-grab law on the books.

Continue reading Michigan Cops Not So Sure About Red Flag Confiscations Now That They May Have to Enforce Them at The Truth About Guns.