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ATF: Oh No, We Totally Haven’t Become a Politicized Weapon of the Biden Administration

ATF: Oh No, We Totally Haven’t Become a Politicized Weapon of the Biden Administration

During the last fiscal year that started in October, 122 gun dealers had their licenses revoked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives which is up from 90 the year before and 27 in 2021, Wall Street Journal reported.

During the Trump and Obama presidencies, the number of licenses revoked never exceeded 81. 

Some in the gun industry are crying foul and suggesting that they are being unfairly targeted for political reasons over paperwork errors as part of an agenda to combat gun violence which President Biden has vocally pushed.

Continue reading ATF: Oh No, We Totally Haven’t Become a Politicized Weapon of the Biden Administration at The Truth About Guns.