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As the Maine Shooting Showed, Once Again, ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Kill

As the Maine Shooting Showed, Once Again, ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Kill

From SAF . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation contends there were significant warning signs which should have prevented the suspected mass killer in Lewiston, Maine from having a firearm, and also notes the places where two fatal attacks occurred were essentially “gun-free zones,” making them easy targets.

“As we have noted in our educational ad campaign,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “gun-free zones essentially make the people in those places nothing more than sitting ducks in a shooting gallery.”

A sign at the door of the bowling alley says, “We kindly ask that you refrain from bringing firearms in this building and we would appreciate it if you left them in your vehicle.

Continue reading As the Maine Shooting Showed, Once Again, ‘Gun-Free’ Zones Kill at The Truth About Guns.