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AG Merrick Garland Admits That It’s *Gang* Violence, Not ‘Gun Violence’

AG Merrick Garland Admits That It’s *Gang* Violence, Not ‘Gun Violence’

We’ve written about it repeatedly.  It’s gang violence that’s rampant across America, not so-called “gun violence.” The problem has become so bad that even full-time partisan political hack and part-time Attorney General Merrick Garland admitted as much at an ATF “summit” just days ago. Of course, the mainstream media ignored it. What’s more, his comment even escaped most of the alternative news outlets as well.

Garland abandoned his “Christian Nationalist” and “White Supremacist” bogeymen to admit that gangs members and repeat offenders are driving the gun violence problem in America.

Continue reading AG Merrick Garland Admits That It’s *Gang* Violence, Not ‘Gun Violence’ at The Truth About Guns.