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Gun Shops and Gun Laws of Brazil: Lessons for the US Gun Community

Previously I wrote about the gun culture of  Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the Philippines. While all those places are fascinating, they seem a bit too exotic for a US gun owner. In the conversation about gun laws, US politicians like to use examples of Australia, and the UK, but often ignore countries that are more similar to the USA and even closer to it geographically – the countries of South America. Today, Brazil is the biggest and most populated South American country, with over 212,000,000 citizens. Like the US, it has a notable problem with gangs and violent crime, and it consists of different states and has a diverse population. Brazil’s size and demographics are pretty similar to those of the US. What can we learn from Brazil’s experience regarding gun laws? Apparently, a lot, because in recent years, Brazil’s government unintentionally conducted one of the biggest social experiments related to gun laws in the history of mankind.